
Hello, thanks for visiting my blog. The fundraising link below is an updated link and campaign on The previous ones on earlier blog posts expired. If you agree with me that population growth and economic growth are threats to the future of Americans, all of humanity, and much of the rest of life on Earth, and that a new political party could help us find solutions, I could really use your help. If you could donate $25 or $50 or as little as $5 or $10, it would help. I am an almost 75 year old man living on Social Security. I will not get rich off any assistance. I need your help to support myself, and continue to publish this blog, and fight to establish a new political party to transform our government so that it will be firmly committed to protecting and preserving the entire biosphere of life on Earth. Here is the link: Thankyou for your time and attention to what I have to say here and thankyou for any financial or other assistance.

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